Who can benefit from our services?

Whether you feel stressed out, anxious, need to release tension, alleviate pain, address a personal health challenge or a goal, or simply because you want to take great care of Yourself, I am happy to assist you on your path to ultimate health and wellbeing.

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How to find inner peace & physical and emotional balance?

The human body, like all living things, is an incredibly effective self-healing organism. Once you feel at peace and the energy within the body is in balance, self-healing and happiness naturally unfolds!

Practicing Qigong and sound and vibrational therapy and the Concsious Connected Breath  are the main health modalities I am using.

When you work on muscles, it takes training to get them stronger. It is the same principle with the mind and the nervous system: It takes some training to calm the mind, go into a deep state of relaxation to reprogram pathways in the brain.  There are several techniques or modalities to counteract  patterns of anxiety and negative thinking and train your body and mind to slow down, be more focused, bring clarity, and overall to balance your emotions so you feel peaceful, strong, confident and happier! 

The health modalities I am offering work at the energetic level which touches the deep core of our being! The body is a network of vibrational fields and energy currents, and with these modalities I help regulate energetic flow through the meridians,  bring harmonious frequencies into your cells so you can access your self-healing abilities. 

In addition these health modalities expand your awareness, facilitating a re-connection with true nature. We can call that connection with your True Self , Higher Self, Spirit, Source, inner wisdom, inner intelligence, inner guidance, Spiritual world, Teachers, Guides, Dao or God.... whichever word resonates with you. We like to use the word "inner guidance"

Hi, I'm Sophie

Qigong Flow instructor - Sound and vibrational therapist - Conscious Connected Breath (CCB) facilitator - Cacao ceremony facilitator

Over the past 18 years I have been experiencing, practicing and studying a palette of Eastern ancient practices, and medicine,  as well as modern holistic Western healing modalities. I have been amazed that on an energetic level, what can appear a soft and subtle therapy or practice is actually the most powerful one as we are dealing here with the core of our being, our mind and roots of emotions.     

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